
Coronavirus Pandemic message by the Magna Fraternitas Universalis international directors

Message of the Superior Counsil of the Magna Fraternitas Universalis 


In the 21st century, we are going through a global health crisis that makes us reflect on our existence on Earth because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has already infected one million people and caused nearly 50,000 deaths in 185 countries, figures that unfortunately continue to rise daily.

First of all, we would like to thank and congratulate the governments of nations affected by the COVID 19 Pandemic which are implementing the necessary measures to prevent their spread and care for the infected, as well as international agencies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and other institutions working for the common good.

Finally, we join in recognizing, in a special way, the legion of doctors, nurses and health workers from each country, who fight tirelessly to save lives at the expense of their own health; as well as scientists and researchers who intensively seek a cure for this disease that today overwhelms humanity.

Secondly, it is important to emphasize that this juncture, with its drastic measures of social isolation or quarantine to prevent community contagion, leads us to reformulate our living habits and rethink our way of relating to the planet, as an introspection on an individual and social level.


Vaccines will save lives, but the message left to us by this pandemic goes beyond the phenomena and circumstances experienced. So let us ask ourselves: what laws of nature have we transgressed?

It is an urgent and necessary call to return to live in Peace with natural laws, both from our own body that we also unconsciously assault and from animals, from trees, from Our Earth which is a Living Being. The global movement on vegetarian food is a fundamental and vital contribution in that respect for our organism, that of animals and for Our Land.

Magna Fraternitas Universalis, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriére, sensitive to this situation, brings a message of reflection, moral, spiritual and intellectual support, and solidarity with all peoples for health, well-being and the establishment of peace in the world.

A world cultural non-profit institution that works for the re-education of humanity. It was founded by Master Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares (1921-1992), disciple of the Master Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière. www.magnanet.org. Email: csm@magnanet.org. Tel.51-1-2423169-Lima Perú.

As early as the 1950s, the French wiseman  Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriére[1], when he wrote in his work The Great Messages in the chapter “The Responsibility”, quotes and comments on some lines of Dr. Paul Carton, who stated the following:

“As far as the human species is concerned, diseases are declared as the accumulation of a term and as sanctions on collective disobedience to natural laws of truth, goodness, unity, abnegation, work, sobriety, self-discipline, which are the fundamental conditions of the progress, health and happiness of human races”. (Dr. P. Carton)

Dr. de la Ferriere comments: “When these fundamental principles have long been violated, a collective general disease (a period of crisis due to the imbalance of consciounesses) is first manifested.

This state of physical and mental degeneration is what diminishes vitality and morality and lowers a nation’s resistance forces. Then the people arrive in a state of aptitude to contract the cataloged diseases called civil wars, revolutions, major epidemics, earthquakes, etc… These calamities force the suspension of unhealthy habits, to find more fair notions, to apply more strictly to essential duties (spirit of truth, unity, discipline, charity, and altruism) […].”

The obligation to discover, proclaim and practice the natural laws governing the intellectual and moral conduct of men will ultimately remain the only general remedy to ward off all human miseries and, therefore: the only object or purpose to be offered, as a solution, to each other’s problems. In short, good individual and social health cannot be achieved but through the ever stronger goodwill of obeying natural and divine laws, that is, of thinking of working in all things with justice and kindness. (…)”. [2]

After a few days of social isolation, without going out into the street, the beach or the park, without noisy and polluting cars, without factories with greenhouse gas emissions that destroy the ozone layer, without the exploitation of mines whose mineral waste kills species of rivers and seas, without the logging of forests and other human depredations, birds have returned to their natural habitats, the air has less carbon dioxide, confirmed facts by both the European Space Agency (ESA) through its Copernicus Sentinel-5P satellite, which shows the emissions of nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants from January 1 to March 11, 2020, and by NASA, whose satellite images reveal drastic drops in nitrogen dioxide levels in China, where the outbreak of the virus began, and Italy.

Likewise, the waters of Venice’s canals are crystal clear again, and we may soon see the cessation of thaws in Antarctica.  On the other hand, the positive effect of quarantine on homes brings with it the strengthening of the family, the cornerstone of society, since it has forced us all to be sitting around the table, as was not the case for a long time. So let us ask ourselves: what lessons can we extract from these circumstances?

That is to put the family back in the true place in society, where it belongs, as we read in the Great Messages of Master S.R. de la Ferriere: “When a building cracks it is not a good business to disguise the slits and cracks by casting plasters and painting them again. What is necessary is to review the construction and verify the solidity of the cornerstones and replace them if there is room for it. Solidified again on strong foundations, there will always be time later to improve the exterior and take care of the aesthetics in general.”

We are currently witnessing the capital fact of a particularly critical moment, the monstrous sinking of an entire civilization, for at the end of one era waiting for another, in the transition period, the civilization seattlements always receive some shock. Religious and social ways, more or less every 2,000 years suffer profound transformations in their outer ways, changes determined by the retrograde movement of the equinoxes, which places us under different influences of evolution. We are in one of those periods of transition, which we also find again in the life of every man, where it is essential to concentrate all energies so as not to lose consciousness in the whirlwind that drags us.”

Will we let our civilization hit rock bottom not knowing what reform to do, or will we energetically put our finger on the sore to save what can be saved? We have seen politics, governments and many other major organizations of the social and economic order to be moved for the destruction and corruption of human beings and attribute this cause to other external reasons (famine, bankruptcy, deprivation of what is necessary, chaos organized by wars, mandates of certain policies). These facts are effects and not causes.

“Haven’t the big predictions announced unrest for our time? You know also, that in the last days


perilous times shall come… ” (II Timothy, Capt. 3, Vers. 1 to 5).  We only have to examine ourselves sincerely to recognize that each of us can take for ourselves at least part of the Apostle Paul’s prophecy. And how is it possible not to be ashamed of the description of such realities? What have we done with the gift of God that Jesus reminded the Samaritan woman?

“Not only do we ignore what this magnificent Gift of God is, but we drag future generations into the same life of disarray as ours and it leaves our children without intellectual or moral direction, and if we give them any, it is false, because we ourselves, the previous generation, have lost our sense of truth, the meaning of words, the great lesson that comes from the whole creation. We have founded our civilization on hierarchies amid limited groups, central groups, factories, offices, trade unions, clubs and circles of all kinds, with multiple objects, to the detriment and disrespect of the origin of the most important and unique: the family cell.”

Regarding this, Maestre Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares answers and contributes wisely with the following:

“In addition, humanity must accept many lessons, starting by learning to regulate: (a) industries that cause pollution (…) (b) the retention of ultraviolet rays by butane gas emanating from petroleum treatment and which increases the existence of retro viruses, temperature and their effects on the planet, (c) toxic and irreversible garbage to nature (…) d) desertification caused by uncontrolled logging of forests (…) (e) the problem of replacing industries that destroy or pollute nature by the dismissal of millions of workers, educating them to work in new non-polluting industries or force polluting industries to change or replace their products in a very short term, (f) the difficult consequences of the huge demographic explosion that destabilizes the economy, constantly increases the need for the drainage of city sewers, demands more and more drinking water, determines the steady growth of cities and causes misery in much of the world, (g) the actual distribution of food where so much fruit is thrown away annually in Europe and America so that prices do not fall, while thousands of children die in Africa and Asia because there is no altruistic and balanced distribution of surplus food by governments that can do so, (h) administrative and governmental corruption which causes that government leaders and employees personally benefit from the substantial  aid or loans facilitated by developed countries for the benefit of all, a situation that then gravitates toward substantial external debt which is harmful to all, (i) the excessive war budgets that dominate all the budgets of nations, neglecting other great needs, with the exception of Costa Rica that constitutionally has no army.”[3]


How much knowledge is needed, and undoubtedly the cosmic imperative will influence more and more for a more coherent and appropiate attitude of mankind; for armies to turn into forces for survival, peace and regeneration of the planet’s condition, and into forces of vigilance for the survival of humanity and conservation of  nature conditions, as well as fighting forces against its annihilation.”

“The transition stage between two Eras is a crucial moment for humanity that must be resolved urgently and accurately.”

In this regard, the Magna Fraternitas Universalis proposes a new Integral System of Life that leads us to return to nature and respect the laws of the universe, through new habits of higher standards of conduct, the shift towards healthier eating, the integration of natural medicine, the practice of Mind-Body Yoga, Meditation and advanced studies of Knowing (Jñana or Awareness of Life), and the individual and collective encounter of a sense of existence towards a greater Transcendentality of Being.

We say goodbye invoking the three great Principles of our institution, Tolerance, Truth, and Peace, to build a world more united by Wisdom.


Lima Perú, 3th April, 2020

For Magna Fraternitas Universalis,

VSA CA. María Nilda Cerf Arbulú

General Director

VSA Dr. José Miguel Esborronda Andrade

General Inspector

MRG, Dr. Carlos Valdivia Martello

General administrator


[1] Maestre Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière (1916-1962). More information: www.magnanet.org

[2] Los Grandes Mensajes (1972), p. 428-429, Diana Edition (México)

[3] La Supremacía de la Jñana Yoga en la Era del Saber (1994), pag 78-79, Publicaciones Hipótesis y Síntesis de la FISS (Colombia).