“Art, which was the translation of the sacred meaning, converted itself in a mechanical interpretation of the human materialism. Being a fount of Revelation …”

El Arte en la Nueva Era, p. 93, Raynaud de la Ferriere

“Sanskrit, …, contains a beautiful example of the separation of macrocosm and microcosm in its graphic writing. Each letter is obtained by tracing an horizontal line (which evidences this way the Divine principle above the horizon and the way of human expression which operates under the line) under which the thought is inscribed: it is under God authority that man writes.”

El Arte en la Nueva Era, pag.122

“As far as Hebrew is concerned, is the pure Egyptian language.

…It is important to realise the importance of the three mother letters: Aleph-Mem-Shin (A. M. S.) which read in the Semitic sense (that is to say, from right to left), give the world “SheMA”, …, a project, a skeleton, the initial plan, the idea that is primarily manifested es the Shin, the Mem, the Aleph which are at the base not only of the alphabet, but also as a matrix of the symbolic whole of the Qabalah.’

El Arte en la Nueva Era, p. 123

“Durer was an eminent Rosicrucian and his painting “Melancoly” presents him such as he is: occultist, cabbalist, astrologer and hermetic philosopher. … The ladder of the 30 degree, the magic square, the compass, the square,  etc. … a painting by Durer is not to be seen, but to read it, what I say, to study it !”

El Arte en la Nueva Era, p. 262

Van Gogh (1853-1890)

“… to rise the light, as in his own painting, which are a triumph of the sun, even he was won! Darkness maybe triumphed over the man, but not over the artist”

El Arte en la Nueva Era, pag. 285